# About 01
seriously!! karaya is one of my favourite tempt to uploading! but their photoshoot is totally crazy!!
I got more than 1000 photo!!
but still, i want to upload those photoshoot....
I hope you guys don't be bored when I upload those photoshoot!!
anyway I'll part those photoshoot based from their outfit I hope you'll enjoy my shared~~
# About 02
I really thanks to people who's visiting my blog =)
and finally I got 1000 visitor
I'm so happy, there are a lot of people who's enjoy my blog
kekkekeke.... thankss so much! and visit my blog more often! okay?!?!
I'll upload more and more photo...
# About 03
well, I'll get my last exam in university..
so maybe I'll late in updating~ if you bored waiting for my post, you can visit my photobucket...
I already post some photo there, but i don't have time to organize all photo in my blog lol
here's my photobucket~